Friday, January 15, 2010

Can't They Just Quit Having Babies?

I don't want to be mean by saying this, but could not those starving children that you see on television never have existed if they did something about it ten years ago? Back then why did not all of the poor people that were starving themselves and some even the parents of the children that we see starving today stop making families? If they were so poor and helpless why did they bring another kid to the world to accompany them in the misery they live in? I don't get it, it is not like all of the women that have poor kids right now have been raped and that is the reason that they have the kids starving and unhealthy.
Could not it have ended by now if they quit having children 15 years ago? If they did not have the children there would be no children to starve and place on television commercials that call for help. Someone please tell me how having children and bringing them into misery will make your life better? and I am not just talking about kids in the poorest of the third world countries.

I hear many people say that they are here in the United States to work so they can send money to their children and wife that live in El Salvador, México, Ecuador, or Ethiopia. I am beginning to think that it is not the home countries's fault entirely. If you do not have a job why are you going to go and get married and have children if you absolutely can not support them? Back then I know that poor families had many children to help them make a living in their home country working with livestock, harvesting, and most of the time they knew that they were going to make it. Sometimes I think it is laziness or pride because some people do not like to earn national currency they want "dollars". In México for example, and if you did not have starving family members, you have to look for opportunities and not turn them all down because they wont be as good as jobs in foreign countries.

Or just simply answer this question: where are all of the poor children that we see on television coming from? Are the people that work for some of these foundations bringing in so much revenue that they pay the poor people, who do not plan on bringing a child to the poor world, to have children so they can show them on television and make a lot of money over and over again from the donations of generous people? I just think that most of the poor children that you see on television from Africa and Thailand could have been saved by not being born. If the people of those places quit having children that brake the hearts of people who watch them on television, then the infant poverty would begin to end. What do you think? Please leave your comments, thank you.

Oh yeah and there are also kids in Haiti that are eating dirt cookies with salt cooked in oil. Adults make a living out of selling these cookies or selling the dirt for making these cookies. I think it is sad to see, but I am curious to try one, what about you?

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